Best 6 Blockchain Programming Languages

The top six blockchain programming languages

July 20, 2022 12:03 AM

Blockchain Programming Languages

App development

Unless you are living under the rocks, you would probably be expected to know what blockchain is and what its possibilities are when it comes to improving the tech world. Over the years, this technology has enabled enterprises to mitigate the standard challenges that a myriad of enterprises face, allowing them to pursue better possibilities.

Blockchain has also been established to hold the potential to revamp the whole economy – be it travel, education, healthcare, or the legal domain.

Between 2017 and 2020, the blockchain market increased by about 2000%, making it one of the many highly valued technologies in the industry. By 2024, the net value of the blockchain market is expected to be around $20 billion.

As the technology is dominating its existence in fields unheard of, many organizations are looking to hire blockchain developers.

With the increasing market for blockchain app developers, it is also becoming increasingly important to stay competitive in the domain. To stay in the game, technology enthusiasts must be familiar with the best languages for blockchain development.

Therefore, this article discusses the best languages for blockchain development that one can know in 2022 along with how to program a blockchain.

Top 6 Programming Languages for Blockchain App Development


Solidity is regarded as one of the most popular and stable blockchain programming languages, recommended by innovators across the world. This language can be easily assimilated by an individual learning development knowledge, whether the individual is a new or experienced professional.

A solidity programming language that contains statically typed curly braces, carefully prepared for the development of smart contracts to run on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). The Solidity programming language was proposed by Gavin Wood in 2014. The amazing and renowned programming language Solidity, influenced by Java, C++, and PowerShell, was created by Vitalik Buterin, the developer of Ethereum.


Statically typed Blockchain Programming Language-Solidity delivers a stable and more adaptable coding design for smart contracts :

User-friendly: Solidity's easy-to-use component makes it adaptable.Solidity serves as a dependable, secure, and real medium for various sources in the creation of smart contracts between two parties.

Application Binary Interface (ABI) - Numerous type-safe operations are current in Solidity because of ABI.


Inherently difficult to maintain—Once a contract is made in Solidity, it cannot be changed if necessary. The additional feature cannot be added to the contract.

Sometimes it might fail to reach good code coverage concerning smart contracts.

Lack of centralized documentation of known vulnerabilities.


Java, one of the leading programming languages and the authorized terminology of Android mobile app development, is also known as one of the top blockchain programming languages used for developing blockchain apps and in their development.

The Java programming language is a derivative of C-syntax and is broadly selected for creating high-end smart contracts and dApps as a consequence of the following properties:-

Vigorous hold on OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) methodology

Accessibility to abundant libraries

Memory cleaning made easy


Java is a platform-independent language. That is because of its Write Earlier, Run Anywhere (WORA) component.

Developer friendly - Non-rigidity for developers creates it simple to use

Secure interface: Java decreases security threats by bypassing the usage of explicit pointers. The security manager in Java lets us specify access rules for a class.

Multithreaded and dynamic: in Java, more than one thread can run at the same time (a thread is the smallest unit of a procedure), and multi-threading rules optimize CPU utilization, making it more relaxed.


Memory Consuming: It is slower to execute than C or C++ and consumes more memory.

Java delivers no backup facilities-it and only concentrates on the memory, which makes it less popular among developers.

It is different from native applications in that it is verbose, which implies it has multiple keywords and consists of long and complicated coding.


From a fresher’s point of view, we can state that Python is the best programming language to select for Blockchain app development, as it has relatively short codes and is more comfortable to use. Python authorizes the usage of other resources and plugins as Python is an open-source language. Dynamically, it operates with OOP and is particularly used in machine learning, blockchain development, and artificial intelligence.

The graphical user interface that supports the design of applications like PyQt5, Tk, etc. is the most prominent choice in blockchain programming.


Extensible elements—Python implements the line one by one, which makes it easier to catch and debug errors.

Object-Oriented Programming language: Due to the clarity of this language, users can concentrate more time on understanding the coding rather than framing syntax.

Extensive library: You don’t have to rely on external libraries as Python’s library is huge.

Compared to short codes, its English-like syntax makes it simple to use and pass.


Weak in cell phone devices-It is tough for phones.

Frequent run-time errors: Python is a dynamically typed language that indicates sometimes data classification of variables can be adjusted. The string might hold an integer value, causing errors in the output.

Memory-consuming language: As it occupies an ample amount of memory, it takes more time for implementation.


C++, discovered by Bjarne Stroustrup, is viewed as one of the top programming languages in the present era. Blockchain programming designers promote the use of C++ as it is plentiful in periods of run-time polymorphism, function overloading, and multi-threading. C++ allows designers to set the data as per their requirements. The C++ programming language is greatly used in the development of some blockchain applications such as Stellar, Bitcoin, Ripple, etc.


It is an Object-Oriented Programming Language, making it far more user-friendly than other binary coding languages.

Data hiding creates its security-Global data and functions are used in C++, unlike many high-level programming languages.

Developer-friendly—easy to use.

It is relatively quick and powerful; it is a multi-paradigm language, and its implementation time is quicker compared to Java.


Dynamic Memory Allocation is not supported.

Complexity grows with the length of coding.

Platform Specific Language: It is particularly used for platform-specific applications, unlike Java.


PHP stands for Hypertext Pre-processor. It is one of the most popular and supported programming languages among developers. PHP was established in the year 1994 by a smart-brain Danish-Canadian programmer, Rasmus Lerdorf.

The standard PHP can be developed on different operating systems. It is an open-source and platform-independent language, powered by the Zend Engine.

It has an abundant library in its source distribution, which delivers ease of operation for blockchain developers.

PHP is one of the most popular languages for blockchain programming and is also recommended by different web application developers.


The most notable benefit of PHP is that it is an open-source programming language. It can be established and used readily.

PHP is a platform-independent language, and it can be used along with any operating system like Linux, Windows, etc.

Because it is simple, it takes less time to learn and improve as it becomes more comfortable.

Its built-in database connection module reduces the trouble and time required for the development of web applications.


It is not the most suitable option for huge content-based web applications.

It does not permit a change in the core processes and procedures of online applications.

Runtime errors are periodic.

PHP is tough to handle as it imitates the elements of the Java language.


Ruby was invented in Japan by Yukihiro Matsumoto. This programming language comes with great memory allocation capabilities. The primary emphasis of this language is its ease of use and efficiency. This is the reason why architects consider Ruby user-friendly and easy to operate, along with its support across platforms.


Ruby lets developers create blockchain programming with the use of third-party APIs and plugins. It allows for multi-paradigm programming, which means developers can use cross-platforms to create Blockchain programming.


It is a Multi-Paradigm Language.

The Ruby on Rails developer community is large and active (Ruby on Rails).

Can be established on Windows as well as PIOX.


It's difficult to debug and develops run-time errors occasionally.

It has more flexibility and is not that popular among developers.

Its processing rate is comparatively lower.


After learning about the top 6 major web applications that can be used in the development of blockchain programming, you might be thinking about which one belongs to your project as well.

From several courses available on PerfectionGeeks Technologies, you can select one based upon your requirements and the project you are planning to do, and sharpen your saw. If you are among the ones who are ready to take courses or training, then we are here to assist you. If you like to create and scale up your blockchain career, then you can contact us.

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