Guide to the Scortik Platform

The Ultimate Guide to the Scortik Platform

June 20, 2022 3:30 PM

Scortik Platform

Before choosing a blockchain network to develop, there are some key factors every company or enthusiast in blockchain should consider. It can be a time-saving and labor-saving investment to choose the right platform based on your technical requirements and decentralization requirements.

When choosing a blockchain platform, there are many factors to consider. The first is to understand the consensus engine that built the blockchain. The second is to determine if the blockchain is a public or private network. The third parameter is to verify the block minting timing and the gas fee for the blockchain network. Fourth parameter: To understand the architecture of the network through its documentation and determine if it is suitable to be developed.

Selecting a blockchain platform is crucial for blockchain-based development because of all the intricate and important factors. For better analysis, blockchain developers and enthusiasts require platforms that provide detailed information about the features and parameters of each protocol. Scortik is a platform that provides detailed information about the various protocols. It is one of the most comprehensive platforms.

Let's now get to the heart of Scortik. This article is a detailed guide to the Scortik: Protocol Review & Rating platform.

Understanding the Scortik platform

Scortik, a rating and review platform, serves as a guide for developers of various Web 3.0 technologies and protocols. It provides a thorough understanding of the technical components and measurements for the various blockchain protocols.

Scortik manages every aspect of a blockchain's developer community, including write speed, gas fee, and read speed.

Scortik uses a database that contains all aspects and characteristics of protocols necessary for the selection of a blockchain network to develop. It contains detailed technical metrics for different protocols that are up-to-date, reliable, measurable, and referenceable.

Scortik is a platform for decentralized protocol rating. It enables developers to select the best blockchain network by using a high-quality formal verification process to evaluate the different blockchain ecosystems.

Now we have a good understanding of Scortik. Let's look at how it can benefit blockchain enthusiasts and developers.

How is Scortik beneficial for Web 3.0 blockchain developers?

Web 3.0 is distributed and open in nature. This makes it difficult for developers to choose one decentralized protocol among the many available. The majority of current blockchain rating platforms are focused on regulating security audits and monitoring price changes. These platforms are not able to provide an objective but precise assessment of the different attributes of each blockchain developer ecosystem. They cannot, therefore, assess and verify different Web 3.0 ecosystems objectively.

Scortik, a blockchain innovation, can provide a detailed technical assessment of each blockchain developer ecosystem and allow developers to analyze the feasibility of blockchain protocols for their development. Scortik can eliminate any stumbling blocks for Web 3.0 developers by providing precise technical metrics that are reliable, reference able, and based on real-time statistics.

Now you know how Scortik is beneficial to Web 3.0 developers. It is important to understand its basics based on what Scortik does for the protocol rating, review, and review.

Web 3.0 and Cryptography: What are their similarities?

Reiterating, both Web 3.0 and blockchain are open and transparent. This is just one of many parallel possibilities. The blockchain's goal is to organize the insights as blocks. Cryptographic hashes are used to protect them from alteration and ensure their high security. Web 3.0 will be a reality if everyone has access to all resources, applications, and content as long as cryptographic keys exist. There will also be many decentralized options to make the universe more welcoming for everyone.

How does "crypto" fit into this context? First, the blockchain provides a pathway for a more open internet. It would eventually be up to decentralized applications and intelligent contracts to automate certain operations. These are the most prominent cryptocurrency players. The top crypto players will continue to attract more attention as they contribute to Web 3.0 using the most up-to-date technology.

The impact of Web 3.0 on crypto investments

Once we have established the assumptions and expectations for Web 3.0, and its dependence on blockchain technology, it's important to understand the implications for specific cryptocurrencies as well as the investment prospects.

Ethereum contribution to the development of decentralized applications has made it the most desired web 3.0 blockchain. Because of this, Ether is now the most sought-after crypto investment. This is just one example of Web 3.0's impact, but other blockchain’s are more prominent than the rest.

Integration of Web 3.0 and Cryptography

The new global trend is creator monetization and non-fungible tokens. The Web 3.0 incentive tokens mentioned earlier will be given much-deserved attention over the medium and long term. The truth is still unknown.

In 2021, livepeer or LPT grew by 1050 percent. This is due in part to the expected global streaming market of $250 billion by 2026. But before you trust these potential cryptocurrencies, developers will need to accept them. They will create decentralized platforms and applications to launch the Web 3.0 revolution.

Cryptography is extremely complex and multidimensional. It could take some time to integrate it with Web 3.0. Flux, Helium, and Kandana are just a few of the crypto players that are emerging in the booming Web3.0 market. They are focusing on proof of work as the key mechanism and modifying new websites to improve their performance.

What are Scortik's fundamentals?

The Scortik platform works elaborately to provide Web 3.0 developers with sophisticated scoring and rating of different parameters in protocols. As of now, it has two main sections:


The Scortik dashboard, also known as the Scortik homepage or landing page, is where developers can request a protocol review. They can also contact the Scortik team to get more information about Scortik.

The Scortik dashboard, also known as the Scortik homepage, is the landing page for the Scortik platform. It consists of several segments where developers can request a protocol review. They can also contact the Scortik team to get more information about Scortik.

Get Listed

The Scortik Platform allows Web 3.0 developers to list their preferred protocol by visiting the Get Listed section. Click on the "Request Protocol Review" button to submit a request for review. The protocol will then be evaluated based on the 8 rating parameters. Scortik will list the protocol.

Scortik currently has 33 protocols on it. As the Scortik community expands its auditing, more protocols will be added to the platform.

What is the Scortik dashboard?

The Scortik dashboard uses a dynamic mechanism that serves many purposes, such as:


The dashboard's 'Alerts’ section provides constant notifications with information about any updates or changes in protocols. The Scortik will display the missing IOS SDK if NEAR does not update its ecosystem.

Popular Protocols

The most popular protocols on Scortik are all of the well-known, robust blockchain protocols. Their scores and scores on Scortik's dashboard reflect their popularity in the Web 3.0 space.

Added Recently

To be listed on the Scortik dashboard, all crypto-assets or protocols added in the last few days go through extensive analysis.

The Protocol Score Table

This table shows all of the blockchain protocols that are listed on Scortik. It also includes their ecosystem score, transactions per second, and feasibility of the grant. You can also filter the table using the search bar.

Live Monitoring

The live monitoring section shows the live updates from the listed protocols.

Let's now look at the Scortik dashboard and its fundamental sections.

What parameters determine the Scortik score tables?

The eight main Scortik areas or main Scortik parameters that are used to score the blockchain networks are listed below:


Based on continuous monitoring and collective review, the ecosystem score indicates the network's reliability.


The performance score is a measure of the blockchain's performance using benchmarks like average TPS, gas prices, and node uptime.

Grant Program

This parameter measures the efficiency of a blockchain ecosystem by comparing funds that have been allocated to developers who want to build their networks.

Foundation Tools

This parameter indicates the feasibility of developing a blockchain using the resources and tools it offers to developers.


This will score various parameters, such as Skeleton Code and the API documentation. It is used to determine if a protocol helps developers understand the protocol ecosystem.


Addons indicate if a protocol has all the necessary add-on tools, such as the IDEs and security auditing tools.

Developer Community

This is the efficiency of a protocol's interaction via social media platforms such as Telegram, Discord, and Telegram.

Services Provided by Third Parties

Third-party services are a way to show the potential of a protocol by offering third-party services such as Oracle integration and cloud services.

Scortik has eight parameters. Scortik also offers the option of "Review Notes." These notes provide an in-depth analysis and discussion of each protocol, including its strengths and weaknesses. These notes can be used to help developers understand why a particular blockchain ecosystem score is favorable.

Scortik's future goal

Scortik hopes to grow by listing more protocols based on the innovations in the Web 3.0 space. Scortik has an interactive community on social media platforms such as Telegram and Discord. Anyone can join the Scortik platform by agreeing to the terms and conditions. Scortik's social media platforms allow people to keep up-to-date with all the developments and updates in the blockchain industry through the multitude of protocols available and the discussion that surrounds them.

Scortik offers a platform for individuals to become protocol ambassadors, where they can advocate for all of the new protocols that interest them. This will allow others to gain a clearer understanding of the blockchain protocols that are relevant for their web 3.0 development.

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