Top Networking Tools for Business: A Comprehensive Guide

What are Networking Tools for Business?

April 27, 2023 15:28 PM

Top Networking Tools for Business

The top priority for any entrepreneur should be to find the best social media tools for their business. It doesn’t matter if you use business networking tools to expand an investment business or a networking group for your new side hustle. Networking can be a powerful tool to help you succeed.

It can be difficult to manage our social media and business tasks with our ever-growing schedules. What social networks should we be focusing on? What can we expect from them?

LinkedIn is the most powerful tool for social networking among investors. Facebook and Hootsuite can be the best networking tools.

Five social media tools that will help you with your branding and outreach efforts.

Use social networking tools for business to keep an eye on

You can find us on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a social network that has become a popular destination for business professionals looking to make business connections.

Social media platforms are a great way to reach out to those who are truly interested in real estate, not just those with a profile, to gain online visibility.

LinkedIn boasts 467 million active users. One hundred six million of them are active every month. There are also 1.5 million groups. You can use the network to your advantage by following these steps:

Complete your profile. You cannot send invites until you have uploaded a professional picture, a headline, and a summary. Use keywords that clients may be searching for. Tell them in your summary what you offer, how you will help them, and your credentials. Include a link to a website and your portfolio if you can.

Connect with personal notes. No one likes to speak in a robotic voice. Personalising your messages can go a long way towards establishing rapport. Post comments that are genuine about a blog, book, or status posted by the person. You should also personalize your message when you send them the first message and invite them to join your network.

Join groups. Find groups that may have potential leads. Instead of trying to sell yourself, become a valuable group member and share your insights. When you can help out, it will show you know your stuff and have years of experience.


Facebook is the most popular social network, with 1.32 billion users daily. Although Facebook was designed to connect with family and close friends, 73% of users use it for business purposes.

You can use the social giant to find leads for real estate by following these steps:

Start with your profile. If you are a new investor, you can’t do better than start in your own backyard. Your personal profile should be professional. Your bio should also include keywords that will identify you as an investor in real estate.

Create a separate page for your business. If you feel that your personal profile is too close to your heart, then it’s best to create a page dedicated to your business. You can use this page to post information about your business. You can also showcase your portfolio and include links to your blog or website. Post interesting content to engage your audience. You should respond promptly to any messages they send.

Like LinkedIn, Facebook has groups of like-minded people. Join these groups and share valuable information with other members.

Photo contests are a great opportunity to promote your brand and get people involved. The word will spread, particularly if the prize offered is of value. You can, for example, ask your followers to share photos of their own rooms. You can give a free resort weekend to the person with the highest number of likes.

Video contest: Asking your followers to upload interesting videos, similar to a photo competition, would help you with marketing. Remember that video contests have a very high entry barrier, so you should take your time to figure out the mechanics.

Top Networking Tools for Business

It can be time-consuming to manage multiple accounts at once. Hootsuite allows you to schedule your posts, delegate tasks, and manage your social media accounts. It supports major social networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+.

You can automate posts with its auto-schedule function. Hootsuite is a powerful tool that provides data analytics on social networks. It generates reports on clickthroughs and engagement, including likes, shares, and comments.


Trulia allows both buyers and sellers to make educated decisions about their purchases. It also has a feature that is similar to a forum for those who want answers to their real estate-related questions. Many people ignore this part of the platform.

Trulia can be used in a few different ways.

  • Trulia voices: The best way to engage potential clients is by providing value. Answer questions posted by home sellers and buyers. Avoid overtly promoting yourself, and instead engage. You’ll find not only potential clients but also valuable research about your market.
  • You can find property estimates by browsing Trulia. This will give you an idea of the pricing history of properties and how people are living in their neighbourhood. You can then factor this into your estimate.
Headline Analyzer

According to studies, eight out of ten people will only read the headline. You have a limited amount of time to create a compelling and emotional title that will generate traffic online and attract new leads.

The Advanced Marketing Institute’s Headline Analysis is an online tool that helps you determine the effectiveness of your titles. The tool calculates the emotional marketing value of your text by typing your headline in the box and selecting your industry. The higher the EMV, the better.

Know More

Why not use it to create blog posts or videos? You can use it to verify your Facebook posts or LinkedIn group messages to make sure your social media is working as you want.

What social media tools do you use for your business? Email us today!

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