How to Integrate the Internet of Things into App Development

How to Integrate the Internet of Things into App Development

Aug 11, 2023 12:26PM

IoT into App Development

IoT technology is a new and exciting one. Early adopters of emerging technologies are often the ones who benefit most.

The world relies more and more on devices that are connected to the Internet. There are internet-connected devices everywhere, from home appliances to assembly lines in manufacturing.

The IoT is expanding, and as more devices, sensors, and gateways become available, the demand for software and apps that integrate seamlessly with IoT systems and servers increases.

IoT apps are responsible for interpreting, analysing, and presenting the data to the user. This is an essential aspect of the IoT system.

What is the Internet of Things?

The Internet of Things is any device or equipment connected to the Internet via embedded software.

Add IoT to any item or device, and it becomes "intelligent," allowing real-time data communication between devices and systems. It allows for adding valuable features and optimising processes and operations.

The IoT application may control or feed data into other systems in industrial settings.

Why is IoT so important?

IoT makes people more productive and efficient. IoT-embedded devices, such as smartwatches, thermostats, or cars, can be used by consumers to improve their lives. For example, when a person comes home, the car can communicate with the garage and open the door. The thermostat could then be adjusted to a pre-set temperature.

IoT offers intelligent devices that automate the home, which is also essential for business. It gives organisations a look at how their systems work in real-time, providing insights on everything from machine performance to supply chains and logistic operations.

IoT allows machines to perform tedious tasks without the need for human intervention. Businesses can automate processes to reduce labour costs, eliminate waste, and improve service. IoT makes producing and delivering goods cheaper and provides transparency in customer transactions.

IoT has become one of the most critical technologies as more and more companies realise the benefits of connected devices in keeping them competitive.

What is the IoT ecosystem?

The IoT ecosystem comprises intelligent devices with embedded systems, such as processors and sensors, that collect, transmit, and act on the data they receive from their environment.

IoT devices send the sensor information that they collect to an IoT Gateway. This gateway acts as a central hub for IoT device data. The data can be sent to an edge device for local analysis before it is shared. By analysing data locally, bandwidth is minimised by reducing the amount of data that needs to be sent to the cloud.

These devices can communicate with each other and take action on the information they receive. These devices can do most of their work without human interaction, but people can still interact with them to give instructions, set them up, or access data.

The deployed IoT application will determine the connectivity, networking, and communication protocols.

The Internet of Things can use artificial intelligence to make data collection more accessible and dynamic.

The Rapid Growth of IoT Technology

In our technologically advanced world, the IoT has grown incredibly. IDC research projects that by 2025 there will be almost 56 billion IoT gadgets online, including in the industrial, automotive, and smart-home sectors.

The Industrial Internet of Things is another area of growth that includes technology like RFID warehouses, industrial robots, and intelligent assembly lines. It also covers additive manufacturing, CNC machines, semiconductors, and electronics. The IIoT will grow at a 21.3% CAGR over the next seven years.

Most research and market forecasts indicate the IoT will become a significant economic force in the next few years. McKinsey, a leading consulting firm, forecasted that the IoT market would be worth between 4 trillion and 11 trillion dollars by 2025. IoT will become a significant sector of the economy in the coming years, offering lucrative opportunities for those involved in IoT device and application development.

Anatomy Of An IoT System

It's essential to know the IoT components and their connections before diving into the details of internet of things app development.

There are four main components to a typical IoT System.

  • Hardware Sensors and Devices

    Sensors, or input devices, are the first part of the IoT. Sensors gather relevant data, such as temperature and video or audio feeds.

    Sensors are often found on devices that collect and share information from the environment. For example, a smartphone has multiple sensors, including GPS, accelerometers, microphones, cameras, etc.

  • Cloud Connectivity (Networks)

    The IoT system relies on a wide-area network (WAN) or other data-transport networks such as satellite, Wi-Fi, and cellular.

    Each network offers benefits, such as more efficient energy consumption or an increased bandwidth allowance. Before choosing a network, you must decide which properties are essential for your system and desired outcomes.

  • Data Processing (Software)

    Once data is sent to the cloud, a programme processes it. It will collect, analyse, and format the data.

    A smart heater at home, for example, will collect temperature data and send it to the cloud, where the software will analyse it and determine if it is too warm. The data can be sent to the user or used to control the heater automatically.

  • User Interface (App)

    There will often be a dashboard for the user that lets them see all the data simultaneously. Apps can notify users when data is collected. If an intruder enters a house equipped with an IoT system, the motion sensor will trigger an alarm and send a message to the owner via their smartphone. The user opens the app to get live-streaming video footage of their home via the cloud.

Considerations for IoT Application Development

The exponential growth in this area and the trend of IoT applications indicate that IoT innovations and application development will be critical to business success in the coming decade.

Integrating IoT devices with a good, well-designed, and reliable IoT application is crucial since customers will only purchase the device if it meets the standard.

Let's look at some key factors (apart from UI/UX) that will determine the success of your IoT app.

  • Plug Security gaps

    The lack of standard security protocols is one of the biggest problems IoT systems face. IoT systems are vulnerable to cyberattacks, such as DDoS attacks, due to their lack of security. Dyn cyberattacks in 2016 affected IoT devices such as printers and webcams. They also included baby monitors.

    Apps that protect data transfer and plug gaps are the best way to stop hackers and cybercriminals from exploiting the IoT's inherent vulnerabilities. Many IoT developers are integrating communication layer security like TLS or DTLS into their apps. Blockchain technology has also made some progress in encrypting data in IoT applications.

  • AI Data Analysis

    A basic IoT workflow consists of five steps: Create, Communicate, Aggregate, Analyse, and Act. Sensors communicate data via a cloud-based network. Data analysis is the next step, which can be performed by IoT apps and enhanced with AI or machine learning.

    Device creators can get more than raw data by integrating an AI engine or machine learning algorithms into an IoT application. These data insights can be used to improve workflows.

    For example, robotic arms on a manufacturing assembly line could be equipped with IoT sensors that feed data into an IoT application. AI can analyse and interpret the data to identify areas of production that are slowing down or where energy efficiency could be improved. These insights can be used to improve the assembly line's operations.

  • Opportunities for Business

    Custom IoT application development opens up new business opportunities.

    Automation of Business Processes and Services

    Optimize productivity

    improved data sharing across businesses

    enable more productive remote working

    Rapid response to changing circumstances

    Reduces costs.

    IoT Solutions shouldn't just be a one-time investment for solving technical problems. They can develop over time into an ecosystem that manages many processes and workflows.

    Imagine, for example, a company that produces machine-milled components for the automotive industry. They can receive real-time notifications about machine problems by developing an IoT application that links to their CNC sensors and assembly line. They can then respond quickly to any problems and rectify them. This can help automate complex processes. For example, quality control could be automated using IoT sensors and AI instead of visual inspection.

  • Create A Continuous User experience.

    Creating an IoT application allows you to adopt the agile Continuous User Experience (CUE) methodology. CUE is the process of collecting data and information about anyone who uses your app. This data can be analyzed to learn how users interact with it. Refining and improving your app by analysing user requests is possible, making it more user-friendly. Optimizing your app allows you to increase customer loyalty and stay ahead of the competition.

IoT App Development Stages

IoT into App Development

Planning and designing an app that integrates with an IoT ecosystem requires careful planning. You should follow the five Software Development Life Cycle Stages.

  • Design the App framework.

    First, plan the architecture for the IoT application. Decide what features are needed, how the UX works, how the app interfaces with device system software, and how data is transferred between devices and IoT apps. It is essential to take control of the security by encrypting data with communication layer security in the app, such as TLS and DTLS.

  • Design an App Based on User experiences.

    At this stage, we design the application. You must design your app around the user's journey and plan for future security, overloads, etc. It would be best if you researched to define the user journeys accurately. Talk to your customers or end users to find out what they need from the app. It is essential to understand the differences if there are multiple types of users. For example, one user may only want raw data. An operator may want to input the data directly into a CNC machine. Another user, however, might be interested in data visualisations or insights—a factory manager. The IoT application must have a high-quality UI and UX. You don't want users to be so confused by an interface that they abandon the app within minutes. You must ensure that the various sensor responses, features, and services are presented intuitively and efficiently to achieve a good UI/UX. When designing interfaces, user friendliness is the most crucial factor to consider. An app that is easy to use requires little or no training. The app should allow users to find exactly what they want within a few clicks. After identifying and mapping the user journeys, you will need to choose the features and services that are most important: dashboards, analytic displays and alerts, barcode or QR scanners, messaging, preferences, and controls.

  • Develop the app, implement it, and deploy it.

    It is time to build the IoT application. This is the stage where all the previously proposed app architecture concepts are implemented. This is the stage where we create a fully functional app and receive the exact interface, including all menus, forms, lists, and actionable options. When creating an app, the main challenges are correctly integrating all selected IoT devices with the app, third-party service integrations, and implementing security management systems and protocols. The developers must ensure that all data is correctly transferred and stored. You should not determine the tech stack or team members required without first defining the scope and size of the project. To get more accurate information, contact our experts.

  • Testing and Integration

    After the app is deployed, it should be thoroughly tested to ensure that all features and services are working as expected, there are no glitches or bugs, and the overall user experience is satisfactory. Test data should be examined, and different test cases should be applied to ensure the user journeys work well. After the app has been tested and any issues have been resolved, it is time to integrate it into the IoT system. It involves integrating the app with the IoT system. After the data is connected and integrated into the system, it should undergo further testing to ensure that its security and integrity are maintained. According to the industry, specific tests, such as HIPAA compliance in healthcare, may be required for applications.

  • Maintaining and improving

    Maintenance is the final phase of the SDLC for IoT applications. Maintenance involves checking the software, hardware, and technical specifications to improve performance. Security should be one area that receives the most attention during maintenance. If system changes or vulnerabilities appear, these must be dealt with quickly and effectively. Implementing a change control process or change management during the maintenance phase is crucial to ensuring that all app modifications or enhancements are carried out correctly without causing disruptions or damage to the IoT system.

Use cases for IoT apps and technologys

This section will examine the business sectors that could benefit most from IoT.

  • Manufacturing

    Manufacturing is one of the fastest-growing areas of the IoT (or IIoT, Industrial Internet of Things). Manufacturing companies already use many devices, sensors, and machinery. Therefore, IoT technology will be an excellent fit for their business processes and operations. IoT systems that are well-designed and properly implemented can significantly boost productivity in a manufacturing company. In the manufacturing industry, older technologies, such as Machine-to-machine (M2M), transfer information between machines and devices during various manufacturing stages. IoT can be integrated into this ecosystem to optimise processes and production capacity. IoT software and applications are in demand to help streamline production, improve quality control, manage assets more efficiently, and manage equipment better.

  • Transportation & Logistics

    Efficiency and timeliness in the transport and logistics industries are of paramount importance. IoT systems track and monitor data to allow logistics companies to react and optimise their operations. A delivery company, for example, can use passive or active RFID tags equipped with GPS to track the delivery of goods by using IoT sensors in the vehicle. It is necessary to hire developers to create an IoT platform or app that can analyse data and give valuable insights to users.

  • Smart Homes

    Smart home appliances and gadgets are increasing in the consumer goods market. IoT can enhance almost all aspects of a house - including lighting, heating, and water systems, resource management, security, and more. Smart homes can include IoT systems such as remote-controlled lighting and automated heating systems that adapt to the temperature preferences of their owners. All intelligent homes have a mobile app that allows you to control several innovative home components from a single dashboard.

  • Retail

    IoT is also transforming the retail sector. IoT and apps can enhance background processes like supply chain management and QA. IoT can optimise in-store features like click-and-collect, pricing, and customer service. IoT beacons, for example, can be installed at strategic points in a store to send notifications directly to a shopper's phone, alerting them of any specials within that shop floor area. This can be used to automatically direct staff to areas where they are needed to assist customers or where queues for cashiers are growing.

  • Healthcare

    IoT will be more prevalent in hospitals, clinics, other healthcare facilities, and at home as biomedicine and healthcare technologies advance rapidly. IoT devices and sensors can speed diagnosis, help monitor patients, allocate resources, and direct treatment. IoT devices are used to monitor patients' health statistics in healthcare settings and remotely. Wearables can be provided to patients to monitor their heart rate, blood pressure, and temperature. They don't have to be physically present, but they still receive the needed supervision.

Costs of developing an IoT application

According to research, IoT app development services costs range from $80,000 to $250,000, depending on their complexity.

Many factors affect the cost of developing IoT applications, including:

  • How will the app be used?

  • The complexity and features of

  • Operating Systems to be used

  • Scalability

  • Staff costs: developers, data scientists, project managers, designers, etc.

  • Priorities in design and functionality

Outsourcing IoT application development to experts with the expertise to create high-performance apps within a short time frame is the best way to reduce costs.

Our Expert App Development Team

Are you ready to leap? We can help you at every stage of your IoT project, from the conception of new products and services to the prototyping of new technologies and their commercialization. PerfectionGeeks Technology will help you dominate the IoT marketplace.

PerfectionGeeks Technology-Powred Solutions for IOS App Development

Businesses of all sizes have great potential to use IoT app development to stay at the forefront of their respective industries. IoT applications are built on three pillars: devices, gateways, and data software. Each of these elements can be tailored to meet the needs of our clients.

PerfectionGeeks Technology can create device software to connect with a variety of devices. We are platform-agnostic and can seamlessly integrate into an existing plan or provide an excellent place to begin. Our toolbox of multiple languages can be used to create the best solution for each device. We create a reliable system that delivers data quickly, using industry best practices.

Cloud services are also available. We can create robust gateways to distribute cloud-based software reliably and securely. They must also be able to handle multiple data streams. The intermediary in the Internet of Things equation must be reliable and rock-solid. PerfectionGeeks Technology is a leader on both fronts.

Integration of IoT with Cloud solutions allows for the efficient processing of large amounts of data. Data is analyzed and presented to users or downstream systems. PerfectionGeeks Technology collaborates with clients to visualise how to best utilise their IoT data. Our cloud partners allow us to efficiently handle IoT data without breaking a sweat.

Key Takeaways

This guide will hopefully help you realise the opportunities IoT systems can present.

This is a summary of the main concepts covered in this guide.

  • The Internet of Things (IoT) is a term used to describe a network of sensors and devices that connect and exchange data via an app.

  • By 2025, the IoT market is expected to reach a value of between 4 and 11 trillion dollars.

  • An IoT system has four main components: Hardware, network, analysis software, and apps.

  • Data handling and security are essential factors to consider when developing IoT apps.

  • An effective user interface can make your app more efficient.

  • IoT applications are used in many areas, including manufacturing, logistics and retail, smart homes, and healthcare.

  • The average cost to develop an IoT application is between $80k and $250k.

It's time to start planning the integration of IoT in your business, whether you plan to build an IoT product or already own one. Early adopters will benefit the most from a competitive edge and a brand's reputation.

Contact us today for more information on how PerfectionGeeks Technologies will help you create an IoT app that can provide several benefits.

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