How to Integrate Firebase with Flutter

How to Integrate Firebase with Flutter

june 22, 2023 15:40PM

Integrate Firebase with Flutter

Firebase is a powerful platform offered by Google that provides a range of tools and services for developing mobile and web applications. Flutter, on the other hand, is a popular open-source UI toolkit developed by Google for building natively compiled applications for various platforms. By integrating Firebase with Flutter, developers can leverage Firebase's robust features to enhance their app's functionality and provide a seamless user experience. In this article, we will discuss a step-by-step guide on how to integrate Firebase with Flutter.

Step 1: Create a Firebase project

You must first create a Firebase Project to connect your Flutter application. Learn more about Firebase Projects by visiting Understanding Firebase Projects.

Follow the steps below to create a project:

Click Add Project in the Firebase console. Select or enter a project name. You can add Firebase resources to an existing Google Cloud Platform project by selecting it from the dropdown list.

(Optional) You can edit the project if you're creating a brand new one. Project ID Firebase assigns an ID to each Firebase project. Visit Firebase Projects. Learn how Firebase uses project IDs.

You cannot change the project ID after Firebase has provided resources to your Firebase project.

You must edit the project ID in this step to use a specific identifier.

Click to continue.

(Optional). Install Google Analytics on your project to get the best experience with any of these Firebase products.

  • Firebase Crashlytics

  • Firebase cloud messaging

  • Firebase Remote Config

  • Predictions for Firebase

  • Firebase In-App Messaging

  • Firebase A/B Testing

Select an existing password when prompted. Google Analytics account. You can either create a new user account or log in to your existing one. Select your desired account type if you decide to create a new one. Analytics Reporting Location Accept the Google Analytics Terms and Conditions for your project.

It is possible to set up Google Analytics in the tabs of your project settings.

Click Create Project. (Or Add firebase if you are using an existing GCP project.)

Firebase will automatically provision resources for your Firebase Project. After the process is complete, you will be directed to the overview of your Firebase project within the Firebase Console.

Register Your App with Firebase

Click the Android icon (play_android), located in the middle of the Firebase Console's project overview, to launch the set-up workflow. Click Add app if you have already added an application to your Firebase Project.

Enter the package name of your Android app in the Android package name field.

Sometimes a package name will be referred to by the application code.

Find this package name in your module (app-level) Gradle file, usually app/build.gradle (example package name: com.yourcompany.yourproject).

Enter any other app details as directed by the setup workflow.

App name: A convenient internal identifier only visible to you within the Firebase console

Firebase Authentication and Firebase Dynamic Links require a SHA-1 hash of the debug signing certificate.

Click on Register to register the app.

Add the Firebase configuration file

Integrate Firebase with Flutter

Click Download Google-Services.json to obtain your Firebase Android config file (google-services.json).

Download your Firebase Android configuration file at any time.

Please ensure that the file name is not followed by any additional characters, such as (2).

Copy your config files to the android/app directory.

To use Firebase in your Android application, you must add the Google-services plugin to your Gradle files.

In your root-level (project-level) Gradle file (android/build.gradle), add rules to include the Google Services Gradle plugin. Google Maven is also available.

{buildscript Buildscript {repositories Repositories If you don't have it, add the following line: Google() // Google Maven repository } // ... dependencies { // ... Add the following line: classpath 'com. google.gms:google-services:4.3.3' // Google Services plugin } } {allprojects Allprojects // ... {repositories Repositories If you don't have it, please add the following line: Google() // Google Maven repository // ... } }

In your module (app-level) Gradle file (usually android/app/build.gradle), apply the Google Services Gradle plugin.

Add the following line:

apply plugin: '' // Google Services plugin android { // ... } // ...

Run flutter packages get.

Use Packages for more information on managing packages and plug-ins.

Click Next to continue the Firebase Console Setup workflow.

Continue to Add FlutterFire plug-ins.

Add FlutterFire plugins

Flutter makes use of plug-ins for accessing a variety of platform-specific APIs, including Firebase's APIs. The plugins contain platform-specific code that allows access to APIs and services on each platform.

Firebase can be accessed via a variety of libraries. For example, there are libraries for real-time Databases, Authentication and Analytics, Storage, etc. Flutter offers a collection of Firebase plugins collectively known as FlutterFire.

Each FlutterFire plug-in is compatible with iOS and Android, as the Flutter SDK is multi-platform. If you add a FlutterFire plug-in to your Flutter application, it will also be used in the iOS and Android versions.

Check the FlutterFire Docs to see the latest list of FlutterFire plug-ins.

Make sure that your app does not run in an emulator or on the device.

Open pubspec.yaml in your Flutter application's root directory.

Add FlutterFire as a plugin to the Core Flutter SDK.

dependencies: flutter: Sdk: Flutter Add the Firebase Core Flutter SDK dependency. firebase_core: ^0.4.0+9 Add the FlutterFire plug-ins to the Firebase products you wish to use in your application. Analytics enabled dependencies: flutter: Sdk: Flutter Verify that this dependency is present (added during the previous step). firebase_core: ^0.4.0+9 Add the FlutterFire dependency for Google Analytics. firebase_analytics: ^5.0.2 Add dependencies to your app for other Firebase products. Use Cloud Firestore and Firebase Authentication as examples. firebase_auth: ^0.14.0+5 cloud_firestore: ^0.12.9+5 Analytics is not enabled. dependencies: flutter: Sdk: Flutter Verify that this dependency is present (added during the previous step). firebase_core: ^0.4.0+9 Add dependencies to your app for Firebase products. Use Cloud Firestore and Firebase Authentication as examples. firebase_auth: ^0.14.0+5 cloud_firestore: ^0.12.9+5

Run flutter packages get.

For more information on managing packages and plug-ins, please refer to Packages.

You can also send a verification message to Firebase to verify that you have successfully integrated it. You can skip this step if you don't want to verify.

All set! Your Flutter application is configured and registered to use Firebase.

You will need to add google-services.json to the project in the android/app directory. Don't forget to also define the most recent version of Firebase_database within pubspec.yaml.


Integrating Firebase with Flutter opens up a world of possibilities for developing feature-rich and robust applications. With Firebase's extensive range of services, developers can enhance the functionality of their apps, implement real-time database capabilities, and enable user authentication seamlessly.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily integrate Firebase with your Flutter project and unlock the full potential of these powerful technologies. So, go ahead and explore the possibilities of creating amazing Firebase-powered Flutter apps with the help of the best mobile application development company called PerfectionGeeks.



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