Cloud Based Services

IaaS vs PaaS vs SaaS - Which cloud service model generates

cloud-based services

With cloud computing gradually becoming a model, companies are slowly phasing out on premise software and are shifting to the cloud. But before turning to a potential cloud provider, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the three biggest cloud service models: SaaS (Software as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service), and IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service). To determine which of the cloud delivery models is best fits your organization, let's find out more regarding the key differences between them, their benefits, and check out the examples of how others have implemented them.

Cloud service models in 2021

Before we can begin talking about how each of these options matches your business requirements, we need to determine what they are. Let's take a brief look at what it means to use software, platform, or infrastructure as a service.

What is SaaS?

Software as a service (SaaS) is one of the cloud services models that is delivered through the internet on a subscription basis. SaaS providers provide that their consumers are always updated with the latest versions. If we compare SaaS vs PaaS vs IaaS, the SaaS is the easiest option to maintain.

Common models are Google App Engine, Dropbox, JIRA, and others.

Benefits of the software-as-a-service model

1. Cost reduction : SaaS cloud service model is responsible for handling all the possible technical issues like data, servers, and storage. And even provide maintenance and security service; this can seriously cut the expenses.

2. Time-saving : SaaS cloud service model can download and install software products on individual devices automatically. As a result, the reliable staff is free from these tedious tasks like installing or upgrading the software.

3. Accessibility : SaaS applications are always comfortable to access; all you require to do is to operate the application on a computer or a mobile device with a stable internet connection.

4. Out-of-the-box solutions : SaaS providers always shows box products that are easy to set up and use.

Drawbacks of the software-as-a-service model

1. Performance issues : SaaS is an internet-dependent application. So, one should invest in a reliable and speedy internet connection. SaaS apps require application performance management tools to check the performance daily.

2. Insufficient data security : Some of the businesses are hesitant to change to the SaaS model due to insufficient data security. Thus, consider this problem before entrusting a third-party service provider with your sensitive information.

When to use SaaS?

SaaS may be the most beneficial option for:

  1. Startups or small companies don’t have time for server issues and require to launch e-commerce quickly.
  2. Short-term tasks that need quick, easy, and affordable collaboration
  3. Some of the applications like tax software don’t require SaaS always. So, they can operate this model whenever it is needed and pay whenever you use it.
  4. Applications that require both web and mobile access
  5. Suitable for: Groups that are spread across geographical locations

SaaS services include

  1. Adobe Creative Cloud
  2. Box
  3. Salesforce
  4. Dropbox
  5. Mailchimp
  6. Zendesk
  7. DocuSign
  8. Slack
  9. HubSpot
  10. Google Workspace
  11. Oracle Fusion Applications

What is PaaS?

Platform as a service (PaaS) is one of the cloud service models that can make everything from simple applications to complicated cloud-based company software. This model delivers a complete environment for expansion and deployment over the internet and lets users access updated components.

Instances include Windows Azure, OpenShift, and Google App Engine.

Benefits of Platform as a service model

1. Cost-effectiveness : PaaS cloud service model will create applications from scratch. So, it is a good option for those who have limited resources or those who want to reduce their operating costs.

2. Quick launch : PaaS permits rapid prototyping and development. As a result, you can remove your application in no time.

3. Reduced development time : PaaS vendors create the development strategy easily by providing various libraries, frameworks, templates, and other tools.

4. Easy care : PaaS frees developers from building, updating, and configuring servers.

Drawbacks of the Platform as a service model

1. Runtime issues : Sometimes PaaS solutions may not be customized for the programming languages that you want to operate.

2. Changes from the vendor : Transformations in the architecture can evolve into a serious issue. Let’s say, you perform with the java language. It is compatible with the Pass providers. Suddenly, the provider rolls out an update that needs python, then you have to either modify the programming language or change the PaaS provider.

3. Lack of customization for legacy systems : If you have legacy applications then you will have to invest heavily in customization and configuration changes.

When to use PaaS?

Using PaaS is helpful as it can greatly decrease costs and it can simplify some challenges that come up if you are rapidly growing or deploying an app.

Suitable for : Software developers

PaaS services include

  1. AWS Elastic Beanstalk
  2. Oracle Cloud Platform
  3. Google App Engine
  4. Microsoft Azure
  5. Red Hat OpenShift

What is IaaS?

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is one of the major cloud service models that deliver users with hardware to perform various tasks. IaaS is utilized by those who want to ease their data center maintenance..

The instances are Google Compute Engine, Amazon Web Services, and Cisco Metacloud.

Benefits of Infrastructure as a Service model

1. Scalability : IaaS cloud model can be scaled fast according to the growing business needs of your company and offers the most powerful storage and networking technology to meet consumer necessities.

2. Reliability : IaaS vendors spread the system’s load across multiple data centers and servers to make sure there is no loss of data due to hardware component failure or loss of internet connection.

3. Operation flexibility : IaaS allows your team to view the needed data and files anytime.

Drawbacks of Infrastructure-as-a-service model

Let’s take a look at the drawbacks of this cloud service model:

1. Issues with legacy systems : Unlike PaaS, you can operate the legacy applications but the infrastructure maybe not be designed to guarantee such apps. This reality forces you to improve your application.

2. Internal training is a must : IaaS markets with data security, and backups. It indicates that your team will have to learn how to handle new enhancements. Otherwise, monitoring and managing resources can become too complex.

3. Lack of flexibility : IaaS merchants upgrade both hardware and cloud-based software. It implies that even you require to be updated regularly else the efficiency and productivity of your team can be compromised.

When to Use IaaS?

Let’s take a look at the drawbacks of this cloud service model:

Startups and small companies can utilize IaaS to avoid spending time and money on purchasing and developing the hardware and software.

Larger companies can utilize IaaS to retain complete control over their applications and infrastructure.

If you are unsure of any new application’s demand, then the usage of IaaS can assist you.

Suitable forIT administrators

IaaS services include

  1. Amazon EC2
  2. Google Compute Engine
  3. Azure Virtual Machines for Linux and Windows
  4. Alibaba Elastic Compute Service
  5. Rackspace Cloud

How to Select Between SaaS vs. PaaS vs. IaaS

The size of your organization can help decide which cloud model to operate. A few suggestions include:

Small/medium/large enterprises with limited resources: SaaS

Companies can save money with software as a service because they don't have to create and design the software themselves. It makes sense for businesses to utilize SaaS products that meet their business requirements because they can quickly be more productive.

Medium/large organizations with some resources: PaaS

Medium and large companies with IT departments should evaluate the platform as a service as an alternative, particularly if they require customized applications that can more efficiently integrate with their workflows and technologies.

Medium/large enterprises with reasonable resources: IaaS

Medium and large businesses that have the essential IT resources should think about utilizing infrastructure as a service. The almost full control that IaaS provides implies they can make highly customized technology stacks that meet an organization's specific business needs. IaaS also makes it simple to adapt the technology if the company needs modification.

Although similar, selecting software as a service, platform as a service, and infrastructure as a service signifies companies have to find the proper balance between giving up control and saving their employees time and effort so they can be more constructive.

What are the differences between IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS?

1. IaaS is there to provide you with maximum flexibility when it comes to hosting custom-built apps, as well as delivering a general data center for data storage.

2. PaaS is multiple often made on top of an IaaS platform to facilitate the need for system administration. It authorizes you to concentrate on app development instead of infrastructure management.

3. SaaS offers ready-to-use, out-of-the-box solutions that meet a certain company requirement (such as a website or email). Most modern SaaS platforms are built on IaaS or PaaS platforms.

You might decide to begin with one cloud computing service model or find a requirement for all three: that relies on the size and complexity of your business.


Although the services are comparable in many modes, SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS all provide various levels of abstraction that remove work from the user. As with most things, selecting the most useful in finding the perfect balance between giving up control and saving your staff time and effort.

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