Importance of Mobile App Maintenance For Your Enterprise USA

Why Mobile App Maintenance Service Is Important

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Smartphone users across the world see mobile applications as fast, easy fixes for a broad range of problems. However, if they are disappointed with the app’s general performance, these consumers will not hesitate to delete it. As an outcome, companies strive to maintain their applications up-to-date without any problems.

In today’s enterprise environment, businesses must have good app maintenance operations. As a result, companies often update their apps. Apps are always being updated to meet transforming customer and market demands.

Several companies provide adequate time and resources for the creation and maintenance of mobile apps to schedule maintenance every 2-3 months. They require a plan like this since a significant portion of their devoted customers is virtually “dependent” on their applications based on the android or iOS, and if these apps are not adequately maintained, they may sometimes stop working.

Why Do Mobile Apps Need Constant Updates?

Will you believe or even think about downloading an app that was updated some months ago? With mobile app development, you want to stay in business for the long haul. For that, make sure your app is relevant and updated constantly to meet users' ever-changing requirements. Today the users keep studying the latest updates on the app store.

The frequency of updating apps relies mostly on the features removed. However, it is usually every month.

Here are a few explanations why all your apps must have a mobile app maintenance plan:

  • • To Follow New Trends: New trends flock to the demand every day. People appreciate new products and better services. One of the significant advantages of adding new features to the apps is to provide recent changes and fix bugs.
  • The only method to keep your consumer satisfied is to update the app to its latest version.
  • • Open Ways to Remodel: Nothing is permanent in this technological world. Everything is progressing very fast and changing rapidly. To ensure an application grows, you have to stop unnecessary elements and functions, free up necessary space, and make room for new updates. Believe this; 71% of users uninstall unwarranted apps within 90 days of installation because they do not find anything exciting or unique. A useful app of yesterday may not benefit the user today. In this cutthroat competitive market, you wouldn't like to lag.
  • • Maintain Rapport: Android and iOS app users still check for new updates, especially frequent users. They would not want any surprises like delays in resolving an issue or functionality losses. They like a stable app with improved releases. If you are not updating the app, it may lose regular users as well as beginners. Apps with light updates are seldom taken seriously.
  • • Modify the Mobile Strategy: Insightful app analytics is vital for app maintenance. You should update the app for two reasons – practical purposes (functions and corrections) and strategic purposes (enhanced marketing and trending). You have to consider strategies to create the maximum out of an upgrade. Keep a check on the statistics and trends to develop the capabilities of your app. This would allow you to update the app to the most suitable of your benefit and change the strategy to align with necessary alternations.
  • • Better User Experience: Continuous care is essential to enhance the user experience of an app. frequent updates mean that you care for your consumers and their experience. Moreover, continuous progress adds a positive vibe to the app rating across app stores, ratings, reviews, and overall experience. If the app is dynamically growing, your downloads would not belong. As a development, investments would yield anticipated results and a reasonable ROI.

How Frequently Should the App Be Updated?

Honestly, customers are positively demanding. Creating an app and launching it is just the start of a long-term journey. As an effect, expectations from the app market are skyrocketing. You can employ dedicated creators to update the app periodically, as in:

  • • Regular App Updates: It functions as per the plan and provides significant improvements and innovations
  • • App Bug Fixes and Innovative Features: These updates react to any errors and malfunctions fast
  • • Select to Update: It suggests developers can decide to release updates they like irrespective of the schedule

According to the Instabug investigation, the 100 highest-grossing apps release updates every 14 days. In another Appbot analysis, it was found that the 200 highest free apps were updated every 18 days.

The frequency of updating an app relies completely on the business marks and the functionality of the app. Let's say a free app should be updated in 20 to 25 days to monetize it through paid premium elements, providing ads, and in-app purchases. You can continually extend the functionality of an app to enhance it.

Different Types of Mobile App Maintenance

  • • Emergency Maintenance – Takes care of the sudden issues that need quick attention.
  • • Perfective Maintenance – This type of care is implied for making modifications in the source code to offer new elements and functionalities to address user necessities.
  • • Adaptive Maintenance – It concerns switching hardware and software demands.
  • • Preventive Maintenance – This specifically concentrates on decreasing and stopping the occurrence of mistakes.
  • • Corrective Maintenance – Repairs the faults and defects in everyday application functions, including design, coding, and application logic errors.

Top Reasons to Update an App Frequently

#1: To Fix Bugs

Apps are not immune to errors. Regardless of how well a mobile app development organization has made it, bugs may occur at any stage of mobile app growth. It is most likely when you run to remove the app.

However, there is a positive thing about bugs – you can find them and fix them. If you don't make the necessary changes in time, you may end up losing consumers.

#2: Release New App Features and Updates

People are enthusiastic about new products, updates, and features. Updating the legacy components or adding the latest features to please users. It is an indication that you still exist and you are working on the apps that need updates. It would also assure you could keep up with the other competitive apps. Ensure you follow the most delinquent trends, find app updates often, have a consistent approach, and be flexible.

#3: Enhance User Experience

Content is the heart and soul of an application. However, do not miss the cover. Design is essential because it makes the first impression in users' minds as soon as they locate your app. Evaluate the following reasons for updating, changing, and enhancing overall new UI/UX trends:

  • • App stores have standard guidelines released about the design. You should adhere to the latest guidelines and make modifications to the new UI/UX trends according to the updated necessities
  • • Provide the app design does not include every single new update mentioned. Adjust the app at par with the latest sensations
  • • The app design should be simple, coherent, and easy to access. If not, users would not know how to operate it
  • • Update the app in alignment with the current branding to avoid misleading users
  • • Free frequent OS system updates under Android and iOS. If you miss the OS needs and updates, it may slow down the implementation of your app
  • • Users are advisers and helpers when you need them the most. With proper user feedback and tracking, you can add essential functions as needed. Manage their wishes, get reviews, execute polls, and listen to what they have to say regarding the app. A social platform is an ideal tool for this. You can check app reviews similar to your app and understand the areas you should concentrate on and where you should not.

Cost of App Updates

Usually, mobile app development is costly, and so are its updates. It turns out to be expensive when you have an in-house app development team, particularly when you factor in mobile app developers' and testers' monthly wages. As a result, companies may find it cost-effective to employ or outsource mobile app maintenance services to external partners.

Usually, development associates are equipped with a skilled and functional team updated with the latest modifications. Nevertheless, businesses should have useful insights when the budget is affected because it is critical to estimate the cost of preserving an app.

As per industry norms, the price of maintaining an application is 15 to 20 percent of the cost of mobile app development.

Surprisingly, most of the app components created for its debut are never used. Instead, it would be best to make a simple app and make room for further growth based on users' requirements. Always start with a lighter version of your app and gradually make some useful elements.


Updates dictate the lifespan of an app. If you wish to add more new users while retaining the existing users, do an app bug fix in due time, and take curiosity in your consumer feedback. Mobile app maintenance services understand that. The frequency of app updates depends on the business target, the dynamics of app development, and the market's tone. PerfectionGeeks Technologies has a long track of delivering constant and high-quality mobile app development services to different clients. We can make sure that your app meets its objectives, maintains a happy consumer base, and updates regularly.

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