5 React Native UI Component Libraries

5 React Native UI Libraries To Boost Your Development

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With the growing need for mobile apps, there is a significant increase in companies shifting their attention toward developing mobile apps. The introduction of new platforms, React Native technologies, and frameworks are allowing developers for mobile apps to build amazing mobile apps.

Cross-Platform App Development has gained much acclaim in recent years as it allows developers to create apps that work on multiple platforms like Android, iOS, and Windows using a single source code.

React Nativeis one of the most well-known cross-platforms to develop mobile apps, which was developed by Facebook and has one of the most active developer communities. With the increasing acceptance of React and the rising popularity of native mobile application creation (and PWA), it's not surprising that the React-Native platform is gaining more acceptance within the community daily.

Similar to React as a whole, React Native encourages you to create your UI using isolated components. The libraries for components and UI tools help you to save time and develop your applications more quickly with the premade components.


Components can help you maintain your code when working on massive-scale projects. React is entirely about components. Unidirectional flow of data and flux Flux React is a data stream that operates unidirectionally with Flux, an app structure that helps ensure that your data is unidirectional.

This list contains beneficial (maintained) best-react native UI librariesto help you get to the right place. This list doesn't rank any particular framework and is presented in random order. Feel free to leave a comment or submit your ideas!

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What is the reason for using the React Native UI component library?

Similar to React as a whole, React Native encourages you to create your UI using isolated components. It's React Native UI Component libraries and UI toolkits can help you reduce time and create your apps faster with a predesigned set of components.

The React Native elementsUI Kit can be a handy tool. It's a collection of pre-made interface elements (and often APIs) that you can utilize to create your application. This means you can launch an MVP project within weeks, reducing the time spent developing interface elements and focusing on the core business process.

How do you choose the React Native user interface component?

To select an existing library or create an application using already-written React Native material UI components, you could use the following criteria for making a decision:

Native Base:

With 12k stars and more than 1.5k forks, NativeBase is a wildly popular UI component library, offering dozens of cross-platform applications that work with React Native. With NativeBase, you can utilize any native third-party library out of the box. The project is an extensive ecosystem that includes everything from starter kits to themes you can customize. This is a great starter kit.

The Lottie wrapper is designed for React Native:

With nearly 12k stars and 1.2k forks, Lottie's reaction-native lets developers deliver stunning animations into their applications without re-creating the same animations. Adobe After Effects animations can be parsed natively on mobile devices with Lottie, a mobile library that can parse Adobe After Effects animations natively on mobile.

React With Native Vector Icons

With nearly 12k stars and 1372 forks, this library is a set of customizable icons forReact Native with support for NavBar/TabBar/ToolbarAndroid, image source, and full styling. It's not surprising that it's instrumental and is used by thousands of apps in addition to various UI library components (like reactive-native-paper). The library comes with pre-designed icon sets straight out of the box. Here are complete examples of all the icons included in the library. The vector icons are easy to extend and incorporate into your app's development.

With nearly 12k stars and 1372 forks, this library is a set of customizable icons for React Native with support for NavBar/TabBar/ToolbarAndroid, image source, and full styling. It's not surprising that it's beneficial and is used by thousands of apps in addition to various UI component libraries (like the React Native Paper). The library offers pre-designed bundled icons straight in the default, and we've included examples of each available icon. Vector icons are simple to extend and easily incorporate into your apps.

React to the National Gifts Discussion

With nearly 8k stars and 2354 forks, react-native-gifted-chat is your application's complete chat UI solution. It has fully customizable components, including multiline text input, avatars, the ability to copy messages to your clipboard and attachments, and more.

UI Kitten

With more than five thousand stars and the equivalent of 606 forks, React Native UI Kitten is an open-source mobile development frameworkthat provides customized elements. While there are plenty of components that can be used as standalone, there are fewer frameworks that provide the components that are commonly used in an integrated package that have identical UI layouts. UI Kitten aims to fill the gap and improve the React Native App Development Servicesof mobile apps to allow you to focus more on business and less on the composition of views. The library is built on the Eva Design System, which brings uniformity and scalability to the development and design process. It includes a collection of general-purpose UI components that are designed similarly. The incredible thing is that the themes can be altered in the runtime without loading the application again.

Paper React Native

At close to 1.5K stars, React Native Paper is a cross-platform UI component library that adheres to the React Native Material Kitdesign guidelines and supports global themes, as well as a Babel-plugin option to decrease the bundle size. Here's an Expo sample application to assist you in gaining a concept.


These are the most popular UI component libraries we have selected for you to use as a quick guide. You might want to consider making use of these for your next project. And please let us knowhow you worked with the feedback below. Keep it up!!

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