Regular Android vs Android Go - PerfectionGeeks
What is the difference between regular Android and Android Go?
April 27, 2022 3:00 PM
Regular Android vs Android Go - PerfectionGeeks
April 27, 2022 3:00 PM
Android, the omnipresent mobile operating system, is owned by Google and powers more than 2 million mobile phones around the world. It is responsible for 40% of all devices and it is time to say "hail Android!" The best examples are Stock Android, Android One, and Android Go. Google already has the desserts. Now, there are a few more options.
Before all the seasonings, Android's story was very simple. Mobile manufacturers use the Android Open Source Program (AOSP), which provides Android source code, and create their Android-powered OS using this framework. This chassis is bulkier but better looking because they add their apps, device drivers, their custom features, and some bloatware. Due to the high storage and RAM usage of pre-installed applications, and bloatware which can, in turn, impact the performance, this may reduce resource availability. The more customizations you make, the longer it takes for the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), to release Android updates.
Android One is an Android Go smartphone that is close to stock. It was created to help Android users in developing countries explore new markets and offer them a great smartphone experience at an affordable price. The idea of Android Go was born. It is a continuation of what Google had planned for Android One. This quick guide will help you make a decision between Stock Android vs Android One and Android Go.
Stock Android is the way Google wants Android to look. This is how Google installs it directly on their phones so that they can receive updates quickly. Stock Android only includes the apps and features developed by Google. It does not include OEM customizations or bloatware. This frees up storage and RAM. Stock Android can allocate its resources to what is currently running because there is less drama. This makes it more efficient.
Stock Android is the most basic, fundamental, and pure version of Android. Simply put, Stock Android refers to the software that Google creates on its hardware. Google's main project, Stock Android, is Android OS. It has not been modified by anyone outside as Google fully supports it. Because it is easy to use and customizable, tech enthusiasts prefer it. Google's Nexus, Pixel, and other Android smartphones that run on the Stock edition are all discontinued in 2015.
Stock Android is great so why not get other versions?
Stock Android, as always, is a victim of the economy. It is intended for high-end smartphones and has a limited number of features created by Google. However, many people prefer it to be otherwise. However, customizations can cause issues like updates delays, and bloatware. Google has developed Android One and Android Go to overcome these issues.
In 2014, Google launched Android One to help budget smartphone makers in emerging markets such as India and other Asian countries. Android One is a collaboration between Google and other manufacturers to produce mid-segment devices. Google now offers software development services for handset manufacturers through Android One. Google offers Android One to manufacturers. It obligates them to send software updates and security patches directly to their handsets within a specified period. Android One is a paid service. OEMs are required to pay a certain amount to Google for their software requirements when they partner with Android One. This was originally intended for entry-level smartphones that had minimal hardware capabilities, but it soon expanded to include high-end and mid-range smartphones.
Android One is not available in AOSP. Google distributes Android One separately to the collaborating vendors. Google offers Android One as an additional service to AOSP for OEMs that build high-quality hardware but have issues with their software or OS. Android One is compatible with non-Google devices and has a better UI and security because it isn't open source. Google dictates hardware requirements for Android One to ensure that the OS is compatible with all devices. This severely limits OEM's freedom to create customized devices that stand out in the market. They can still install their apps on Nokia phones, such as the Nokia support app and camera. Google charges OEMs for Android One OS, which includes 2 years of software updates and 3 year-round security patches and upgrades.
Android One is the Stock Android available to non-Google hardware users. It has faster updates than custom Android. It offers better battery performance, Google Play Protection, optimized Google Assistant, and minimal bloatware.
Android One is your current phone, so why not upgrade to Android Go? Android One has strayed from its original plan and Android Go will bring budget phones to third-world markets. The first Android Go edition was released in 2017, with a limited selection of low-end phones. The first Android Go edition was a reduced version of Android 8.1 Oreo. We also now have an Android 9 pie Go lightweight version.
Android Go is a reduced version that targets lower-end devices. You won't find many apps pre-installed, and some of the existing apps may still be available in the Lite or Go versions. Built-in Android Go apps sacrifice some of their original features to justify low storage usage. Android Go provides lightweight performance for devices with limited storage and RAM. The core apps are designed so that they can make the most of available resources and still provide the same Android experience.
Android Go can be installed on devices with more than 0.5GB RAM and as little as 8GB storage. The OEMs receive the Android Go OS from Google, which they can modify to meet their specific hardware requirements. Android Go smartphones are free from bloatware and feature a specially designed "Go app" which suggests the most suitable apps. It comes with a built-in data manager, and it consumes very little RAM.
Optimized Go apps can be considered Progressive Web apps. This allows for about half the space that is used by apps to be freed up. App navigation is 15% faster than on normal Android. It includes features such as Google play protection and optimized Google Assistant.
The AER refers to the Google-recommended set EMMs, carriers, and MSPs that are best suited for enterprise functions. Google has set stringent criteria against which every device must be thoroughly vetted. Google will badge the device as an AER device if it passes all of these tests. Each device is validated and not each OEM. This is so OEMs can't submit one phone that is AER-compatible and then badge the certificate on another. If a brand of the phone has an AER-certified handset, all other phones must go through the same verification process to earn the AER badge.
Stock Android isn't the best choice for device management, as Google offers very few APIs to help EMMs manage the device. Management is possible only through APIs provided by OEMs for current devices. It is safe to say that any mobile device distributed by Google will not have Enterprise Device Management capabilities. Many Stock Android devices still have AER approval badges.
Android One is the most suitable edition for Android Enterprise. It offers superior performance, dedicated hardware that conforms to Google's charted specifications, faster updates for up to 2 years, all feature overlays that comply with AER specifications, and greater functionality. Several Android One devices, including Nokia, have made it to the AER List.
Android Go edition is a great alternative to dedicated enterprise devices with minimal specs and capabilities. Google's AER requirements are not achievable for low-end devices. This means that OEMs can determine the device's AER compatibility. An AER device must have at least 32 GB storage and 2GB RAM. However, Android Go has a memory of 0.5GB and 8 GB respectively. AER compatibility means that the manufacturer must adhere to the AER specifications and the Android Go specifications.
Android One, Stock Android, and Android Go all come from Google. They have many common features. There are also some differences that manufacturers make to make each one unique.
Android One has the most apps pre-installed, while Android Go has fewer apps installed. Stock Android devices have the least number of apps. A camera, for example, can differ from one device to another depending on which hardware manufacturer it is. Google offers updates for Android One and Stock Android devices. All updates and fixes for Android Go are provided by the OEM.
Android One is the most suitable and recommended device for enterprise use. Small and medium-sized business owners can also consider Android Go as an option. Stock Android is more expensive than other options. Android's long reign might make it more attractive for Enterprise Friendly devices.
Here's a quick guide to help you decide between Stock Android and Android One. Stock Android is the best option if you want to only relate with Google. Android One is the best option if you want the Android experience, but with the help of an OEM vendor. Android Go is a budget-friendly alternative to Android One.
Google now has the freedom to validate devices' enterprise worthiness. This reduces the burden on corporate managers in choosing the right device that meets their needs and budget. AER could gain a monopoly on Enterprise Device Management by integrating more devices. Samsung and Apple need to come up with a millennial solution to combat the Google-Android surge.
Stock or One or G, if you need assistance in managing your Android device (COPE, BYOD), don't hesitate to call Hexnode. We are well-equipped to handle your machine.
One, Stock Android, and Android Go apps are all Android. All of them do the basics you'd expect: making/receiving phone calls, using apps, and taking photos.
The main differences are what the intended audience is, which is Best Android App Development, and who updates the software.
Here are the basics:
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