Difference Between "C" and "Objective" C

Programming languages can be used to create meaningful instructions that allow the computer to complete a task. C and Objective C are two of the most popular programming languages. Objective C is built on the C language. C programs can also be run as Objective C. Objective C includes fundamental C concepts as well as object-oriented concepts and protocols. C and Objective C are two different languages. C is a structured programming language, while Objective C is multi-paradigm programming. Objective C supports both reflective and object-oriented programming paradigms.

Dennis Ritchie first created C in 1972. It is a general-purpose procedural programming language. Ritchie developed this programming language from existing languages, including ALGOL, BCP, and B. He combined features from these languages to create C.

All operating systems have been created to this point in an assembly programming language. This is the lowest level language that you can use to interact with hardware on a computer. Low-level languages can be more complicated and require more symbols than you are familiar with. C's flexibility and power allowed Linux version 4 to be written in a programming language other than Assembly.

The C language was quickly popularised because it was easier than other programming languages at the time. C provided programmers with all the performance needed to manipulate hardware at low levels, as well as a simple syntax.

Many languages have also used C as a guide, including the C family. Some of the same syntaxes are used by C in Java, PHP, and JavaScript, as well as Swift and Golang.

Although C has been replaced in many places by the other programming languages described in this article, it is still widely used by developers who don't want to deal with the complexity of C++ and its multiple subsets. The kernel for the Linux operating system is still being developed by the same team as C. This allows the user to control the hardware.

What's the C++ programming language?

C++ was created in 1985 by Bjarne Stroustrup to expand the C language. It includes all the low-level memory manipulation capabilities of C but also has the object-oriented programming paradigm.

Although C has been replaced in some applications by other members of C's family, C++ remains the most popular replacement.

C++ is often used when performance is critical and low-level control is required over the system's resources. C++ is commonly used for developing operating systems, embedded systems, web browsers, and database software.

The game industry has the largest concentration of C++ developers. There, the language's ability to control computer GPUs is unparalleled, which allows for lifelike 3D graphics in modern video games. It is also used in IoT devices, where it interacts with custom hardware.

What's Objective-C?

Objective-C was created in 1984 by Brad Cox and Tom Love and is a programming language. They felt the C programming language needed to include the object-oriented paradigm, but they used Smalltalk as their guide.

This resulted in one of the main differences between the members of the C family and those mentioned here. The syntax of Objective-C is largely similar, except for the part about creating and handling objects.

NeXT acquired the rights to Objective-C and used them in its custom programming platform, OpenStep. Apple purchased NeXT in 1996 and used OpenStep within its new operating system, Mac OSX.

OpenStep is the basis of most of Apple's Cocoa API. Apple's Xcode, on the other hand, is based upon NeXT's Objective-C programming tool. Objective-C was quickly adopted by Apple products as the preferred programming language.

Swift's release in 2014 was a significant milestone for Objective-C. It had not changed much over the past 40 years, and there had been many advances in programming language development. Swift can be used in conjunction with Objective-C, which means that it can run in the same app. It's also much faster and simpler to write. Apple suggested Swift to developers, which has been in slow decline since then.

What Are the Similarities Between C And Objective C?

You might have used C++ or C++ to code, and you may be aware that these languages are in a grey area. These languages can be used to manage memory but also have some abstraction.

The Key Differences Between C++ and Objective-C

Both are very popular on the market. Let us now discuss the main differences between:

C++ can be used on a variety of cross-platform operating systems, such as Windows, UNIX, and Macintosh OS. Objective C, however, is a general-purpose object-oriented programming language used in Apple's operating systems and APIs like Cocoa.

C++ supports data hiding and encapsulation. It also supports inheritance and polymorphism. C++ supports the same features as Objective-C but without STL.

C++ supports portability that has ANSI (American National Standards Institute). This standard is supported by major C++ IDE makers. Objective C, on the other hand, has different data types and tokens to recognize identifiers, declarations, assignments, and pre-processors to define constants.

C++ supports many operators, such as arithmetic operators and logical operators. Bitwise operators: Relational Operators Assignment Operators. Miscellaneous Operators Objective C supports the same operators and pre-processors that are not part of the compilation process.

C++ supports files and streams. Exception Handling dynamic memory Namespaces Templates pre-processors. Multi-threading Objective C supports Posing. Extensions. Dynamic Binding Protocols composite objects. Memory Management. Enumerations.

C++ features include namespaces and references, as well as templates and implicit method overloading. On the other hand, Objective C allows for dynamic dispatch and auto-generation accessors to member variables and properties. It also allows a method to share the same identifier.

Calling a method in C++ will be determined at compile time. In Objective C, however, it will be decided during runtime. Objective C also has special features such as adding or replacing methods in classes that already exist.

C++ objects are null. They cannot be safely handled when dereferences are used. Objective C objects have nil, which can be safely managed by sending messages to nil objects.

Operator overloading in C++ is supported. It is portable and simpler than Objective C, which does not support default parameters, but can be implemented using multiple methods of manipulation.

The memory is allocated in C++ during runtime in heap objects. Objective C doesn't support stack-based memory objects.

C++ class objects can be declared as normal in C++. These objects are very similar to those in general object-oriented programming languages. Objective C, however, has a composite object feature that embeds an object within another object. This means that a private cluster object can be embedded in the main object, as well as some primitive methods.

The Standard Library in C++ has two parts: the Standard Function Library and the Object-Oriented Class Library. Objective C, however, has a Fast Enumeration feature that allows for collections to be core components.

Learn more:

You can now see the differences in programming languages within the C family. Although it's quite a diverse family, all of these languages owe much to C.

C is still very popular, especially for embedded systems or places that don't require object-oriented programming. If you are interested in learning more about the language, take our Learn C course.

C++ is preferred by most developers because of its extra features. You don't need to know both C++ and C, as they are both supersets of C. These languages contain all the features of another programming language.

Learn C++ to get started with this high-performance programming language. If you are already proficient in the language, our intermediate course, C++ for Programmers, will help you take your skills to the next level.

Swift has largely replaced Objective-C, and Apple even recommends it. We suggest our Learn Swift course if your goal is to write code for Apple products. C# is a great choice if you are looking to create Windows desktop apps, video games, web apps, and other services. Learn C# will show you how to create applications and the basics of C#.


C++ is a programming language that's used mainly for embedded devices and hardware programming. It also finds its way into most system programming, where large software systems are developed. Objective C is used primarily for developing operating systems such as OS X or iOS for Apple products, such as the iPhone and Mac. Objective C is used primarily for Apple operating systems. It is limited to Apple product development. C++, on the other hand, is open-source and can be used for almost all embedded applications. However, C++ lacks security in the use of programming features and data management. It is used by Microsoft for the majority of desktop applications and modern applications. Objective C is used for Swift applications.



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