How to Develop Location Tracking Apps Like Life360?

How to Develop Location Tracking Apps Like Life360?

july 27, 2023 12:50PM

App Like Life360 Development

Keeping track of your family members' whereabouts is essential without invading their privacy. This is what the Life360 application offers by making it simple to stay in touch with the people that matter most.

Life360 is a cutting-edge application that uses GPS location technology. The app shows the location of family members who accept your invitation to join your circle. Family members can now stay in touch privately with each other thanks to the incredible family locator application. It acts as a beacon of emergency in an unfortunate incident, like an accident or medical issue.

You have come to the right place if, as an entrepreneur, you are interested in the Life360 free app and want to create an app similar. This guide will assist you in understanding all of the optional and core features that go into building an app such as Life360 and the cost associated with its development.

How does the GPS Family Locator App Work?

Parents are often worried about their teenagers, in particular. Parents want to ensure their children do the right things as they take their first steps into this new world.

The GPS family locator allows family members to remain connected with their loved ones. These apps are only available to members who the group manager has invited. This is usually the most responsible family member, the mother or father. The mother or father of each family member receives an update in real-time on shared locations. Everyone is instantly notified when a person drives, enters a location, or is involved in a destructive event such as a car crash. Location-tracking apps like Life360 make it easy to track children or older people. It's as simple as reading an alert on your smartphone.

Benefits of a Family Tracker App

A family locator is a valuable tool for parents who want to track their children's locations and ensure they are in the right place. They can be used for various reasons, including security, parental peace of mind, and responsibility. These apps can be a lifesaving solution in an emergency.

Apps that track family locations and can be monetized

Every entrepreneur aims to create a high-utilitarian mobility solution that generates a constant revenue stream. Here are the most effective and popular monetization methods that you can use to make money with your app.

Selling Advertisements

It is an excellent monetization method that allows app owners to earn money by displaying advertisements for related products and services. Apps that help families locate each other can display advertisements from travel agencies about the best vacation spots for their family. App owners can charge advertising companies a certain amount of money in exchange for showing these ads.

Different types of ads can be displayed in the mobile app. There are four main types of ads: banner ads, native ads, and affiliate ads.

Integrating An ecommerce Store

This strategy allows the app owner to integrate an ecommerce platform from which users can buy related products and services. This is a standard money-making method where one can sponsor a company's products that offer something related to an industry.

Paid Subscription Plans

It is one of the most effective ways to monetize a family locator application. This can create a revenue stream that will continue. You can charge a membership fee for your app as the owner. You can create different plans that have varying features and functionality. Users can easily choose the plan that best suits their needs.

Features of a Family Tracking App

App Like Life360 Development
Real-Time Location Tracking

It is the main feature of all family tracking apps. It allows family members to communicate with each other and track their location in real-time. It is now easy to find out where the children and the elders in the family are.

Set Privacy zones

Teenagers and young adults alike do not like being tracked all the time. Also, they need privacy. This feature allows them to create a temporary area for a specified time. If the user is within the zone's radius, they will see their location as a static dot. This feature is essential because it gives the family control over the situation without invading the user's privacy. Parents can remove the private zone to check on their kids, even if the time is still not up.

Chat with Members

All group members can communicate with each other using messaging and remain connected at any time. This feature allows them to update others about their location or engage in family conversations.

Family Support, Road Assistance, and Disaster Response

A good family locator should provide 24-hour support to all members of a family group. A live representative must be available to connect family members with a roadside or medical assistance option. The representative will be able to track the user and provide assistance for minor and major emergencies. This can include situations such as a flat tyre or low gas. It could also be a minor accident.

Driving Pattern and Habits Tracking

This feature allows parents to view their family members' driving patterns, especially young drivers. It is possible to monitor the speed of driving and ensure safety. These reports are available weekly or monthly.

Member Nearby Alert

Users can ask for assistance from their nearest family members in an emergency. This feature is vital to ensuring that you receive timely assistance.

Weekly Reports

Family locator applications can generate weekly reports. These apps can help identify unsafe driving habits, including excessive speeding, rapid acceleration, and hard braking. It can be a great way to encourage responsible driving in the family and start discussing safety.

What is the cost of developing a family locator app like Life360?

Many factors affect the cost of developing a family locator app like Life360. The most common are:

  • Chosen app platform

  • Number of features and type

  • App complexity level

  • Third-party integration

  • Labour cost

A basic family locator application costs roughly between $15,000 and $20,000. A top-notch app with prominent functionality can cost as much as $40,000.

The cost of labour plays a significant role in determining the cost of overall development. Labor charges vary significantly between regions. For example, professionals with high skill levels can earn between $70 and $250 per hour in the USA and Eastern Europe. Conversely, you will find highly skilled professionals earning $20 to $70 an hour in India. India offers a more affordable option in terms of labour costs.

The cost of developing apps like Life360 also depends on your chosen company. A company with experience and expertise will ensure you get a fully functional product at the lowest price. You will receive a detailed breakdown of the total costs to assess the viability of your project.


A family locator and tracking app such as Life360 takes careful planning and execution. To ensure your app meets your audience's needs, you need to determine the core features, select the right technology stack, and work with an experienced development team.

When used correctly, a family locator and tracking app can be an invaluable tool to help families stay in touch and ensure their safety. If you are interested in creating a similar application, contact a development company with experience in mobile app development.

PerfectionGeeks Technology has a team that is made up of developers with specialised skills in developing custom mobile applications, such as family tracking apps. Please get in touch with us to find out how we can bring your vision to reality and create an application that will meet the needs of your audience.



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