DApp code on the XDC blockchain - PerfectionGeeks

How To Build dApp on the XDC Blockchain?

XDC Blockchain

The constant advancement in blockchain technology has helped in making it more widespread. While there are many blockchain protocols, everyone is unique because of the features. With the boom of the blockchain industry, it is becoming more popular to use hybrid blockchains.

Combining the advantages of private and public blockchain in their characteristics and capabilities, hybrid blockchain networks are considered to be a revolutionary technology that will revolutionize global finance and trade. Furthermore, they are incredibly effective and interoperable, allowing the development of scalable, decentralized applications (dApps) and blockchain-powered applications.

XDC Network uses XDC delegated proof of stake (XDPoS) to combat these shortcomings, a blockchain protocol that promotes decentralization across various sectors. With interoperable smart contracts, minimal traffic on the network, and fast transactions, The XDC Network fuels dapp development. In light of this and examining the effect of dApps on the XDC blockchain.

What's XDC, the hybrid blockchain?

The XDC blockchain answers the scalability and efficiency issues of the first EVM-compliant blockchain, Ethereum. The business-oriented blockchain runs on XDPoS (XDC delegated Proof of Stake), which is designed to aid enterprises in building affordable, scalable blockchain-powered dApps or other new solutions.

Thanks to its features like no network congestion, instant block completion, and low energy consumption, The XDC Network has become widely appreciated by the developers. In addition, companies and brands rely on their access to the XDC ecosystem to explore creative blockchain-based applications and custom dApps.

What are dApps?

DApps are similar to the traditional web application, but they are built on a decentralized network (blockchain).To develop front-end applications, dApp requires programming languages like JavaScript or NodeJS.

Smart contracts control the backend of dApps.

What are the reasons for picking this network? XDC Network for dApp development?

Ethereum has enjoyed sovereignty over blockchains concerning the development of dApps over the last few years. However, with most developers interested in creating their dApp project on the Ethereum protocol, it presents problems like the high volume of traffic on the network and the long block completion times. To address this issue for this issue, it is the XDC Network offers the following advantages:

  • Transmit per Second (TPS): The XDC Network mainnet can handle more than 2000 times per second, significantly quicker than Ethereum.
  • Consensus: The XDC blockchain uses XDPoS consensus to improve the network's speed and cut down on energy consumption.
  • Gas costs: The XDC Network imposes minimal gas costs, as low as 1/1000th of Ethereum DApps fees.
  • Performance: Block creation time is typically less than two seconds, which indicates the high speed of the network.
Benefits of XDC dApps

Following are the benefits of XDC DApps.

Smart contract development that runs within the XDC blockchain control XDC dApps. The XDC ecosystem can be used with many different projects, such as commerce, gaming, and NFTs. These are the advantages companies can reap from dApp development through the XDC Network.


After the dApp code has been installed in the XDC ecosystem, no modifications can be made, and anyone can use its functions. Users do not require permission from the group behind the dApp. Once the dApp is placed on the XDC blockchain, it is there.

Anonymous login

For most dApps, there is no have to reveal your real-world identity. Instead, your XDC accounts are the login, and all you need is an account with a wallet to access.

No Censorship

Since no central authority controls this XDC Network, users cannot experience censorship issues or be prevented from using the dApp. For example, if Twitter were built upon the XDC ecosystem, No authority would be able to prevent users from using the dApp or hinder them from tweeting.

How do you build dApp for the XDC Network?

The first step in dApp development involves designing the microservices required for the dApp. Then, based on the design, it is possible to select the blockchain protocol you want to use to develop dApps. Let’s discuss additional steps that you have to follow once you've completed the dApp design:

Protocol selection

Select a protocol and develop your dApp. For example, you can select a private or public network and even a hybrid blockchain network like the XDC Network.

Data collection

Based on the type of microservices that the dApp plans to provide users, off-chain and on-chain data from various sources and external sources are collected through the blockchain.

Processing of data

Once the data has been stored on the blockchain, the following step will be to sort through the data and utilize the data to design an interface that allows users to communicate with dApp and trust the information. From this point, the architecture design for dApp development is carried out in two directions: the front and backend.

Front-end development

The front-end development of a decentralized application focuses on user-centric aspects, such as making the user interfaces more user-friendly and optimizing web pages, as well as the visual ele edging, and more. The front-end also lets the dApp communicate directly with users. This is the technologies stack you require to use for dApp development within the XDC ecosystem.

  • AngularJS
  • Bootstrap
  • JQuery
  • React
Backend development

Backends of every dApp are primarily focused on innovative contract development and the following elements:

User identity

The user's identity is a fundamental decision, like whether identity should be centralized or decentralized. Therefore, this is a crucial aspect in determining an interface for users.

Authorization and the roles

The most important considerations for authorization and roles are controlling user movement, determining where to save stamps, and maintaining functions appropriately.


Notifications are typically off-chain, and alerts are sent about events within and outside the chain.

Business Logic

Business logic is designed to determine the best way to present business logic information to the general public and whether or not they are available on-chain or off-chain information.


To store data, you have two options: storing data in the cloud or letting the blockchain save the data. Based on the dApp you use choice, you can select the storage option.

Smart contracts

Smart contracts control the whole blockchain, define the function and how APIs or other data sources interact with the on-chain information using oracles when a request is to be made, etc. Development of apps also requires APIs and integrations with third-party vendors, which allow front-end applications to communicate with the backend or intelligent contracts.

Once the architecture is complete, it is put in place on the AWS (Amazon Web Services) server.

Join the dApp into the smart contracts, wallet, and XDC ecosystem to decentralize.

How do I make the smart contract available for dApp development?

Now that we know the fundamentals, that is the dApp. Next, let's discuss the technical aspects of developing the smart contract which regulates the dApp.

Setting up the dApp Environment

To enable dApp creation on the XDC Network, we first must create the dApp environment that can support both the front-end and back-end components. Here are the essentials to set in place your dApp environment.

The test network for the smart contract

The deployment of a smart contract over the mainnet uses energy resources such as storage, CPU, and memory. Thus, developers should utilize test networks to fine-tune and test the performance of their smart contracts and be sure that they are suitable to go live.

Clients for wallets

The command-line wallet is Wallet-CLI, which is part of the XDC Network that developers use to deploy and post intelligent contracts and perform other functions in the primary network.

Start the private chain

The private chain of the conditional must be deployed successfully to check if the log message is displayed that reads "produce block successfully."

Create smart contracts

Create the contract code and then compile and test the code with Remix. Check that your logs are complete and that the code is bug-free.

Compile using the SimpleWebCompiler

The XDC Compiler remains integrated with Remix. So, it is advisable to use temporary methods of getting ABI and ByteCode instead of acquiring them directly from Remix. But, first, you need to copy the smart contract's code, paste it into the SimpleWebCompiler, and hit the "compile" button. Install the smart contract you've compiled using the Wallet-CLI

Download the Wallet-Cli and collect it.

Initiate Wallet-Clip

Command to start the wallet-CLI

Enter the command into the portal upon beginning. You may also use the personal critical import to check the balance remaining.

Contract deployment

A message stating "deploy the contract successfully" will appear after the successful deployment of the smart contract.

Access the dApp via XDCPay

Once your dApp is deployed, it will be ready for the end-users. To access any XDC DApps, users must connect to the appropriate platform using an account. The XDCPay wallet is one that XDC Foundation offers for users. Once connected, users can use the dApp to access its features, perform transactions, and enjoy many other advantages. In this context, let us talk about what it takes to download and utilize the XDCPay dApp.


With more people becoming aware of the benefits of decentralized technology, the variations in dApps have been increasing. However, it is the XDC Network that has made dApp development possible on its platform by providing various tools for ecosystems, including XDC Origin (smart contract tokenization application), XDCPay (XDC Wallet), and Network Stats (network Explorer) as well as XDC Explorer (block Explorer).

Developing XDC dApps and managing them can be a challenge and requires a lot of effort, skilled supervision, and careful execution of procedures. So, it's always advantageous to collaborate with an XDC development team to help you create and manage your XDC app without any issues.

Contact PerfectionGeeks if you're looking for dApp Development services on the XDC Blockchain. We have a group of blockchain experts who can create and deploy smart contracts on various blockchain platforms like XDC, Ethereum, and Tezoz.

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