7 Stages of the Testing Life Cycle - PerfectionGeeks

The Top 7 Stages of the Testing Life Cycle

May 23, 2023 13:04 PM

7 Stages of the Testing Life Cycle

Software testing is the foundation of exceptional digital experiences. However, you risk alienating your customers if you don't thoroughly and adequately validate your products before their use. Therefore, software testing must be an ongoing, multifaceted effort carried out by the entire organization.

Software testing life cycles (STLCs) are similar to the software development life cycles (SDLCs) used for digital product development. At different stages, various members of organisations are involved in helping companies achieve their quality goals.

What is the software testing life cycle? With examples, we'll describe the STLC process and the phases.

What is the software testing life cycle?

The software testing life cycle is a series of tasks designed to help understand the current state of a software system and provide recommendations for improvements. The STLC includes strategizing, planning, executing, and completing test cycles.

QA testing has been done to ensure digital products are free of defects that could negatively impact their core functionality. The STLC evolved as digital systems grew more complex and companies released more software and apps. As a result, testing is no longer expected until many organisations fully develop the product.

Effective STLC produces more valid and comprehensive results than traditional testing after the development stage. This helps organisations make changes that ultimately lead to increased customer satisfaction and, therefore, revenue. Therefore, STLC should not be viewed as a pre-release requirement but rather as an attempt to uncover key insights that will benefit the company in the short and long term.

The SDLC (software development life cycle) has seven phases

Stage1:Project Planning

In the first phase of SDLC, it is important to ask, "What do you want?" The software delivery lifecycle is not complete without project planning. This is where the team defines the requirements and estimates the costs of the new software

Stage 2: Gathering requirements and analysis

The second step in SDLC involves gathering as much information as possible from the client about the product. Talk to the client about every detail and specification. The outsourced testing team of developers will analyse the requirements while keeping in mind the code and design of the software. Investigating the validity and feasibility of incorporating the requirements into the system This stage is to ensure that everyone has a complete understanding of every detail. Hardware, operating system, and programming.

Stage 3: Design

The program developer will examine the software during the design phase (the third step in SDLC) to ensure it meets all user requirements. The customer will also want to know if a project is technically, financially, and practically feasible. The developer will then choose the programming language, such as Oracle, once he has decided on the best design. Java The software will be able to use a variety of other items.

All stakeholders will then review the plan, provide feedback, and make suggestions. Stakeholder input is essential to the design specification since even a minor mistake can cause cost overruns.

Stage 4: Coding or Implementation
` 7 Stages of the Testing Life Cycle

It's time to code! This is the process of translating the design into a computer-readable language. In the fourth stage of SDLC, tasks are broken down into units or modules and distributed to different developers. They will start by building the system using code in the chosen programming language. This is the most time-consuming stage of the SDLC. Developers will need predefined coding standards and tools such as interpreters, compilers, and debuggers to implement code.

The developers should show their work to the business analyst if any changes or enhancements are required.

Stage 5: Testing

The software is then deployed into the testing environment. The testing team then tests the functionality throughout the system. During this fifth stage of SDLC, testing ensures that the application functions according to customer requirements.

The testing and QA teams may find bugs or defects after testing and will communicate with the developers. The QA team will then retest the software after fixing any bugs. The process continues until the software is stable, bug-free, and meets the system's business requirements.

Stage 6: Deployment

The sixth phase of SDLC is when the product is ready for production after testing. It is then made available to customers. The size of the project determines the complexity of deployment. Users are provided with training or documentation to help them operate the software. Finally, a small batch of product testing is done to check for environmental impacts or issues.

Stage 7 maintenance

Maintenance is the seventh phase of SDLC, where the developed product is handled. The maintenance phase is the seventh of the SDLC. This is where the product is developed. The software is regularly updated to reflect changes in the user's environment or technology.


Agile software testing affects the life cycle of software testing

The phases of the common software testing cycle above are sequential, similar to waterfall development. However, as many businesses change the way they develop their products, it is important that testing adapt to match up with iterative organisation practises and release pace.

The QA team may instead use the Agile Testing Method, which has a variety of impacts on the STLC phases. For example, an agile testing team may not submit a report or assessment of their testing work. Instead, the release is planned and delivered.

QA bottlenecks are also addressed by agile testing, which emphasises shift-left and shift-right testing. Although test automation is part of the STLC phases, agile testing may emphasise methods such as in-sprint and test-driven developments, which are known to produce cleaner, simpler code. The shift-right test, also known as production testing, is used by the QA team to identify defects that may have occurred after the end of the testing cycle. Even though these defects can be more expensive, finding a bug later is better than never. Shift right often involves exploratory and user testing to discover defects that the test cases have failed to reveal.

Your software testing lifecycle can be more efficient

Testing is a time-consuming process. There is more pressure than ever to meet release deadlines. QA teams must find any advantage during the software testing cycle to release a quality product quickly.

PerfectionGeeks Technologies is a strategic partner who will be with you right from the start of your project. We are genuinely invested in the success of your business. PerfectionGeeks' global community of world-class experts can provide expertise at any STLC phase to help you deliver exceptional products.

PerfectionGeeks testing opens up new options, including testing on different devices and locations. This allows you to focus on what to do rather than how to do it. In addition, PerfectionGeeks strategic QA questions can be asked at the beginning of STLC to help inform the manual or automated strategy.

PerfectionGeeks can help you with your software development and testing requirements. In addition, We help you to achieve your testing goals, whether it's an enterprise-grade automated framework, manual testers with specific market characteristics, or a partner who will assist in shift-left testing.



2 + 8





Stage 5 - Testing and Quality Assurance
Stage 6 - Deployment
Stage 7 - Maintenance and Updates

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